Other internship programs
Manthan provides an internship opportunity to students from different colleges and universities. The internship provides them an opportunity to learn about Rajasthan’s culture and traditions. It also allows them to experience the ground reality of rural India and its people by observing and studying how Manthan works.
Till now, 81 students from universities like TERI, TISS, DU, IGNOU, Shri Shankracharya Kerala and other universities offering an undergraduate and post-graduate degree in social work have interned with Manthan.

Pravah is a youth development organization which aims to develop young people into leaders so that they can use it to bring a social transformation. Orientation Camp, Group Exposure and SMILE Internship are some of the programs for the youth where they continuously challenge their comfort zone, interact with organizations at the grassroot level and gain a deeper understanding about themselves and their society. These camps and Internships take the participants on a journey of self-awareness through introspection and systems thinking. Young people from multiple diverse backgrounds gather to walk the thin line between ‘Self to Society’ and ‘Me to We’. Since 2010, 400+ youngsters have visited Manthan and lived this experience.

International Citizen Service
International Citizen Service (ICS) is a UK government funded programme which brings together young people from UK and other developing countries to volunteer in some of the poorest communities in Africa and Asia. Manthan has also been a beneficiary of the project. Between 2015-2018, 10 batches of volunteers were placed for a duration of 10-12 weeks in Manthan. The volunteers stayed with host families in the communities and learnt the ropes about prevailing issues in education, health, women empowerment and youth development. The volunteers organized a multitude of programmes including educating children through activities and traditional programs, organizing community meetings with teachers, building relations with health workers to conduct regular health camps and creating awareness on mensuration hygiene. The volunteers placed special focus on women. They organized 8 women groups to spread awareness regarding women health and rights.
They also started a school in 2017 to teach women basic writing and reading skills. The volunteers also spread information related to various government schemes on pension, agriculture, education etc. Till date, 181 volunteers including 96 UK & 85 Indian Volunteers have had this learning experience.

Youth Citizen Service
Youth Citizen Service (YCS) is an action-oriented learning programme for young Indians organized by CLEAN-India. The objective of the programme is to facilitate a thorough understanding of the dynamics of rural india and development among the youth, while addressing the prevailing issues at the same time. In 2006, 12 volunteers from different states took part in a six-week long programme in Manthan. The programme involved the volunteers spending time with a host family with limited resources. It taught them about the various means of livelihood of the community and even they joined in contributing their bit to the communities. It was a fun, leaning experience for all the volunteers.

Australian Volunteer International
Australian Volunteers International (AVI) is a not-for-profit international development agency. Till now, 17 volunteers from AVI have been a part of Manthan and developed an understanding of the local